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Finally give your drawers some peace and quiet…

09. May, 2019 / Blogpost from Alex -

We’ve all been there: You open your kitchen drawers a bit too quickly and everything slides out of the place and rattles around. Or you open one of the big cupboards in your kitchen unit – the plates shake, the pans shift, and the vinegar, oil and other glass bottles jangle against each other and make a tremendous racket. Those days are over! The function pure non-slip mat from d-c-home® is the perfect kitchen aid, a helping hand to restore some quiet to the contents of your drawers and cupboards.


The kitchen hack for your drawers that really makes an impact!


All you need for a kitchen hack that will change your life are a pair of scissors and a suitable amount of function pure non-slip mat. It’s easy to cut the mat to fit the dimensions of your drawers and cupboards – then simply insert it and put your utensils and crockery back in. Then if you want to give your drawers a deep clean at some point in the future, you can simply wash the d-c-home® non-slip mat under running water, dry it and put it back. A highly successful kitchen hack that requires very little time, but will make a real difference – we promise!

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