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The perfect game board for “Mensch ärgere Dich nicht”

Project from Eva -

Here, we show you how to turn a simple IKEA table “Lack” into a gameboard for the very popular dice game in just a few steps.

You will need…

  • One roll of d-c-fix® uni matt Cherry
  • One roll of d-c-fix® uni matt Mint
  • One roll of d-c-fix® uni matt Natural
  • One roll of d-c-fix® uni matt Aqua
  • One roll of d-c-fix® uni matt Taupe

  • d-c-fix® application set with cutter and squeegee
  • Ikea table “Lack”
  • Scissors
  • Pencil
  • Tape measure

Let’s go

Step 1

Prepare your materials.

Step 2

Clean the surface of the table to remove any contaminants and any grease.

Step 3

Cut out the various circular templates from cardboard or a similar, stiff material. For the large “Home” circles, you should cut out a template with a diameter of 10 cm, and for all other fields a template with a diameter of 3.5 cm.

Step 4

Draw the various circle sizes on the backer paper of the adhesive films, then cut these out with a pair of scissors. You only need one each of the four game colours for the large circles and 36 taupe fields for the small circles and 5 each of the game colours.

Step 5

Remove the backer paper of the adhesive film and adhere the circles to the surface of the table. For this, arrange the circles in the correct pattern before removing the backer paper and adhering them. Smooth out the film with the squeegee to eliminate air pockets.

Step 6

Either draw the arrows next to the “Start” fields or cut them out of the game colours and place them next to the respective “Start” fields.

You’re done!

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